We know that the paths of educators and leaders of color are not without obstacles. They work in and with communities who themselves are often barraged with conflict. And yet, they're often tasked with being courageous in the face of adversity. To withhold love and mask vulnerability. We reject this premise and have launched Leadership Journeys to counter the narrative.
Leadership Journeys is a multi-media, DJ-fueled celebration; replacing turntables with slide decks, but without the sacrifice of soul.
We work closely with conferences, convenings and organizations to create space for educators of color and allies in the progressive education movement, joined by exceptional system level leaders who embrace the notion that sharing deeply personal stories is the path forward toward collective dopeness.
Contact us with interest to bring Leadership Journeys to your community.
There is no other event like this one. The stories shared were raw, real and powerful. I love the energy and the reminder that I am not the only one struggling to navigate these spaces on the daily.
the bpl longitudinal report

In an October 2020 report published in Teachers College Record, researchers Karen Arnold (Boston College) and Georgiana Mihut (Dublin Economic and Social Research Institute) found that the distinguishing programmatic elements of Big Picture Learning - including advisory, internships, exhibitions of learning, and more - are (and have been!) achieving long-term results valued by educators, parents, employers and colleges.
Moreover (and of highest importance to us), longitudinal data on the impact of the BPL approach over time suggests that our design "of relationships and relevance does an outstanding job of engaging students and making them feel cared for, supported and connected to adults."
big picture speaker & writers bureau
Are you interested in having someone from Big Picture Learning speak at your event, be part of a panel, present as part of a webinar, write for your publication or something else altogether? We're always excited to partner with others in the work of rethinking education. Moreover, we stress that you can't authentically be student-centered without centering students. Thus, we'd be thrilled to connect you with Big Picture Learning students and alumni. Review our national speakers and writers bureau below, and please visit our contact us page to make a direct request.

Someone Else
Is there someone not listed here whom you'd like to hear from? Visit our staff page for a wider selection.